[Unit Project 1] My Artifact Filled With Memories

My artifact is a baseball glove made of cowhide leather. It is used When you take the ball in baseball. It is approximately 22 cm long and 18 cm wide. Its color is brown. It is as soft as bread. It is made by Zett Corporation. Gloves have different shapes for pitchers and for infielders and outfielders. It is for infielders. And then some professional baseball players order their own gloves or use gloves with their names or letters embroidered on them. It was bought by my father to encourage me to practice harder in the first year of junior high school.

When I was in junior high school, I was on the baseball team. I started playing baseball in elementary school under the influence of my older brother, and because I enjoyed the game so much, I wanted to continue in junior high school. I practiced baseball hard on weekdays and on weekends. I was invited to play catch and knock on the elementary school ground with my brother and father on weekends when there is no practice. However, I gradually began to feel that practice was too hard.

So, I said to my father, "Practice is hard enough to die for! So, I want to quit baseball."

He encouraged me by saying, "There are good results waiting for you after hard practice." So, I kept practicing it hard. I also kept his gloves oiled and cared for. As a result, I was able to show the results of that practice in the last summer tournament. My team was playing against a strong school, and we lost, unfortunately. However, I was in a pinch when my team was defending in a game, and a ball flew into the area I was defending. It was a difficult ball, but I managed to get out of the way and get out of the pinch.

When I returned to the baseball bench, the baseball coach called out to me, "Well done. Nice play!"

I replied, "Thank you!" At that moment, I was very happy, and I was glad that I had practiced so hard. From this experience, I learned the importance of practice.

There are two problems with baseball. First, the tendency for people to separate themselves from baseball is increasing. You may hear that some baseball clubs have formed joint teams to play in games because they have so few members. There are several possible causes. Firstly, because baseball equipment is more expensive than in other sports, the initial cost of starting a baseball game is higher, which increases the burden on parents. Secondly, coaches are strict in their instruction of players. To address some of these issues, you should try to give away baseball equipment that people no longer use to children who are thinking about starting to play baseball, and coaches should try to give upbeat and encouraging instruction to their players. In addition, more baseball classes and terrestrial broadcasts should be made to solve the problem of people turning away from baseball.

Next, it is a wasteful reality that gloves that can still be used are being discarded. Baseball gloves made of high-quality natural leather are essentially a valuable renewable resource, and if they are well cared for, they are tools that can be used for a long time. However, when you get out of the game of baseball at the right time, such as when you start working or get married, there are many cases where gloves are stored in a dormant state and discarded as they are. That is why you should collect and reuse gloves that are no longer in use and make new gloves.



  1. Hi, I' m Rui. It was conveyed that you cherish baseball glaves. I enjoyed reading it.

  2. After reading your story, I also think the problem about baseball sould be solved. Practicing hard in the clab is good experience and memories!

  3. Your artifact is great! I like the baseball and I had played the baseball for elementary school.
    I think the power of the practicing can't betray us. The glove used for many years is loved.

  4. I think it's amazing that even though you went through such a difficult experience, you didn't give up and kept going!

  5. Your baseball glove is cool! Your memory with your father is good! I won't give up and continue when I feel too hard like you done.

  6. The glove is very clean and in good condition, which is amazing. I'm impressed that he believed his father's words and endured hared training, and the results were soild!




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